The Poffle website will try to unblind you with less science on as many aspects of music making as possible, including reading music and the ludicrous language of chords.
The site has been written largely for fun. Most of what is here is free but a few downloads will be charged for. Not one of these downloads is necessary to make sense of anything else on the site, so you need never feel forced into buying one.
The programming of this site is fairly minimalist in order to increase speed of access, so it may look a little unusual to you as a result.
We will not send you any emails or try to sneak information off your computer. If you get email claiming to be from this site it will probably be somebody trying to con you. Ignore it or waste their time by giving them erroneous information.
All material on this site is copyright©, and whilst we give permission for you to use it privately we do not give permission for commercial use including use on other websites (whether private or commercial). A licence for commercial use can be arranged. To use music from this site commercially please contact the Performing Rights Society or Mechanical Copyright Protection Society (for UK) - or in other countries the local copyright collection agency (at the same time informing us of your intentions), which will collect on their behalf. Rights to use material other than music can be negotiated with PCJ - use the feedback facility on this page (called 'write to us').
poster click here.
- it is a gif file and should print out A4 size.
Stuff about chords click here.
Bruce Richmond has a flair for whitty words and this surely must be a good example of his skills. This is the name he suggested for the team of two (himself and Hugh Harris) who made the multitrack recording of "The Ultimate Pavanne" (see downloads section below, or in the chords section article Chord sequences with titles.). It is more whitty than you at first imagine for many reasons - not just the reference to'The Mad Controller' in the song or a certain rhyme.
This links to Zinc Freud's page on the Poffle site.
From 26 October 2009 some of these include sets of parts in sheet music form with a recording of the parts all played together, so that you can know what to expect if you take the trouble to learn them. There is also a snippet to download and listen to before you buy. You may find them surprising for this site, in that they sound very 'classical'.
scores for various combinations - not working yet.
dots and chords - tunes and chords in sheetmusic form.